The online shop is still available as normal and shipments are dispatched every Monday and Thursday as usual!
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Due to lack of network coverage and time difference in remote areas, unfortunately no telephone + e-mail support can be offered during this time. Sporadic chats (not phone calls) can be made via Whattsapp.
Please note the delivery times of the articles (traffic light), as well as the max/min temperatures at which ants can be shipped.
In the event of a prolonged cold spell, we are happy to make a partial delivery at the customer's request, so that the waiting time is not too long :)
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Mon-Fri 4:00pm-8:00pm
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(3) through their large Space- and Foodrequirements as well as their climatecondtions only for experienced antkeepers
rainforest, savanna
Size:11mm Colour: darkbrown to black
Size: 4 - 9mm Colour: minor: red to yellowish brown, major: darkbrown to black
not present
Size: - Colour: -
a home-grownfungus(Leucoagaricusgongylophorus)is cultivatedby the workerswith the leavesandflowers ofRosaceae plants and fruits.Specificprotein bodiesto thefungal hyphaeare harvested andfed toqueen andbrood.The administration ofsugarorhoneyWateris recommended potentialfoodplantsare:blackberries, raspberries,roses,boxwood, elderberry, oak, lime-tree, wildwinenext toapples,orange, banana, grapesin an emergencyalso oatflakes It`s recommended to moisten the leaves before feeding. Thefeedingofsumachleavesshouldbeavoided at all costs, as thesearetoxic tothe fungus.
Acromyrmex cf. volcanusis a smallleafcutterantfromCentralamerica. It`s one of the most common attini in lowlandforest of Costa Rica.UnlikeAttatheyperformlongtrek to cuttingplaces andneed thelonger waysto develop optimal. They cut mainly leaves, flowers and fruits.
matingflight: with the first summerrains founding: claustral with a piece of fungus from the mothercolony which is first fertilized with droppings of the Queen. A Queen can be between 8 up to 15 years old. colonysize: not more than 20 000 Individuals
one fertilized queen with fungus and workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)